Can a set of Ls50 metas surpass or equal a set of Kef blade metas with subwoofers

I recently purchased a nice set of Ls50 metas off a fellow audiogoner..l have them on 33 in. stands in a large room.They are powered by a Hafler XL600(450x2) @ 4ohm.The metas are rolled off at 140hz.Behind the metas there are 2 line arrays of 6 (12 total)1000 watt velodyne 8In. Sealed to those there are 4-12 in. Subwoofers in sealed boxes with radiators tuned to 25hz,powered by 2 Crown K2's .l have a Mcintosh front end and lm using electronic crossovers.Everything is in phase,level matched and tweaked... Sounds amazing and effortless. I keep looking at the blades and wondering if there any better at 35,000 dollars...Aesthetically probably yes...Does anyone know if the blades have a better UNI Q driver?


I hope not. Ls50 metas are great within their limits but their limit is spl level. I use a sub with mine and do not feel inclined to go louder than 90db even in the small room they are in. Maybe if I used an active crossover to roll off the low end on the metas that would help some I am sure.

I have large Ohm F5 in the next room off same amp. These are comparable in size to the KEF blades but cost way less. Those go loud and clear with no strain in comparison to metas + sub.

I am almost certain that KEF is not selling them for 35k just for their look. They are well respected speakers for a reason. I am sure your system sounds good as configured. You might have created the perfect storm so to speak with your room acoustic and system synergy. Be happy. No need to go poking a bull. 

I tried the metas "full range" and the woofers bottomed out before you could hit any realistic spl levels...l used a electronic crossover and metas have duties 140 hz. and up ...they can play amazingly loud now with no distortion...    l researched the blades and stereophile said the UNI Q module was crossed over at 300 if l read correctly..

Well my speculation is that if crossed over at high frequency to two or more good powered subs to enable higher spl without breakup,  the metas would get pretty close to Blades in sound.  Just speculating.  Good quality  monitors + powered subs set up well are almost always a more cost effective way to achieve a high level of performance.  Ls 50 metas are very very good…..again within their limits while one would expect Blades to remove those limits.