Why do hipsters prefer analog?

Hipsters started with vinyl records, then cassettes, then 8-tracks, then R2R.  Where will they stop?


As the father of at least one hipster (he liives in Bushwick, so it's official!) and after spending time with his delightfully unexpected friends, I get the impression that the tactile experience has value for them. Many of my sons friends are musicians, and making music using a physical thing (guitar, piano, sackbutt, ondes Martinot...) is part of their lives and physical medium for reproducing music makes sense to them.

I love the ritual of playing records, everything about it. I have three turntables and they delight me. Thousands of records, thousand of CDs, streaming... it's all good. And I currently looking for a R2R! 

Because it's fun? Yes.

Though the resurgence of the cassette is a little baffling. I suppose it's like pet rocks. Does some of it come down to wearing vintage clothing and buying midcentury modern furniture? I don't know...

Something I've wondered about too.

Have fun! Now I'll think I'll slip in a Minidisc and listen to Hot Tuna. Or maybe an Elcaset...


I was a teenager in the 70's and grew up listening to records/cassette tapes...wtf is a  "hipster"?!....lol....

Oh relax folks if you can't make fun of hipsters who can you make fun of? I consider myself to be tragically unhip so none of this is about me. 😉

Mostly style and image.  If you look at the gear most of them are using, it is not for great sound quality.