Any of the original Sonus Faber line. In that range, the original Cremona are the sweet spot. The newer Cremona M are not as "musical" as the old Cremona. People say the original Cremona are colored in the mid-range, but that is what makes them "musical". You can find used original Cremona for $4K or less these days.
I use Thiel 1.6 in my theater for detail and slam and Cremona in my 2 channel for sweetness.
As an aside, I find the 840c to be pretty "digital". It may be contributing to the sound you have with the Thiels. But the turntable should be very "musical". A more musical tube pre-amp or amp may also give you a more musical sound.
I use Thiel 1.6 in my theater for detail and slam and Cremona in my 2 channel for sweetness.
As an aside, I find the 840c to be pretty "digital". It may be contributing to the sound you have with the Thiels. But the turntable should be very "musical". A more musical tube pre-amp or amp may also give you a more musical sound.