Pass XA 25 and Goldenear Triton Reference

I'm considering buying this Pass amp to drive my GE TREFS.  The speakers are about 93db/1watt sensitivity.  Thoughts or feedback or experience with this 25 watt at 8 ohm class A amp and the GE's????  I primarily listen to classic rock.  Using my db meter I rarely listen above 95 db...


I think you would be Ok, but man if you could swing the INT-60, you might be in heaven.  That 60 has a ton of juice, and with the powered woofers… could be an outstanding combo.



yes despite the numerous drivers, i would think that with the onboard self powered low end designed into that speaker, that the out-board amplifier driving the rest of the speaker would not need to be such a beast... but i haven’t had this speaker so i really don’t know, best defer to the folks who have it

How large is your room? You listen at 95dB from how far away from speakers? What is speakers impedance?

I would likely default to those that indicate you need more power.