Luxman vs Hegal

Anyone with actual experience hearing the Luxman 509X and the Hegel H390. Can you describe the difference of sound between the two?

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I did not buy the Luxman because I later tried the new KRELL Duo XD lineup and preferred that to the warmer Luxman sound.

It depends on the speakers. I wouldn’t label the Luxman L-509X as warm. If it sounds warm, then perhaps the speakers sound warm. In my experience, the Luxman sounds very close to neutral. Specifically the L-590AXII.

luxman's line spans decent but imo less-than-great sounding lower end class ab models

Have to disagree here. I love the AB integrateds and I used to think they performed significantly better than their price.  That was before all the price hikes.  Still, it's all relative.  There's very expensive and popular Class A amps I like much less than anything Luxman makes.

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