Luxman vs Hegal

Anyone with actual experience hearing the Luxman 509X and the Hegel H390. Can you describe the difference of sound between the two?


luxman's line spans decent but imo less-than-great sounding lower end class ab models

Have to disagree here. I love the AB integrateds and I used to think they performed significantly better than their price.  That was before all the price hikes.  Still, it's all relative.  There's very expensive and popular Class A amps I like much less than anything Luxman makes.

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Honestly never heard or seen Hegel or Accuphase in real life but for looks and nostalgia factor I really would love to see and hear a new Yamaha integrated.


I’ve listed the components of my two-channel system below. My room is about 19 x 19 and is a combo music and home theater. At this point I’m listening to 100% vinyl.

My impressions of the Hegel H390… Lots of power, VERY detailed and refined sounding. Smooth treble with good bass but the music lacks soul. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe the sound better than that. Can’t deny the Hegel is a good amp but it just doesn’t work for me. It could be a synergy issue with my speakers but I have no way of knowing. There is one stereo store in my city that carries mostly McIntosh, Mark Levinson so bringing home a Luxman, Krell, Pass Labs, etc. to audition in my home doesn’t seem to be an option.

Before purchasing the H390 I had a Hegel H200 which I loved. There were times when an album finished that I would just think, WOW!! So, I thought if the H200 sounded so great, the H390 would just blow me away. Sadly, not true. I did do some A/B comparisons between the two amps and after listening to the H390, the H200 sounded like a veil was over the music because it lacks the detail of the H390. So, no way of going back to that.

Bottom line is that I’ve stopped listening to music and have spent the last year researching so I very much appreciate the comments.


Revel Performa3 F208 speakers

Sumiko S-10 subwoofers (two)

Hegel H390 integrated amp

VPI Prime turntable

Transfiguration Axia MC phono cartridge

Sutherland Little Loco phono preamp

PS Audio Direct Stream Power Plant 15

Transparent Audio interconnects