Monitors that play huge

Looking for a set of monitors that'd fill a 18x25x10 room. Aesthetic is important as they'll be in the living room. Will Dynaudio Confidence C1 be a good fit, esp. in terms of bass performance? And how much better C1 is over Contour S1.4?
Don't overlook the Atohm line of speakers, especially the GT-1.0
I heard these at the Newport Audio Show and they simply floored me with their bass and room filling sound, not to mention their overall presentation. No one in the room could believe they were playing, thinking it was the larger floorstander next to them.

Also, the KEF LS50s have been getting some great press lately, but I haven't heard them yet.

All the best,
Extravaganza, I think it's a customized Morel. The bigger VSM uses the Esotar, if I'm not mistaken.

Kzhtoo, congrats on your purchase!
Congrats on the "owls." I'm sure they'll sound fantastic -- great speakers and a great company.