What is the best 2 channel listening chair?

I've been using a Ames lounge chair for years, it looks and feels good ...but it's a little low...l was ready for an upgrade. I was reading you should avoid chairs that are higher that the shoulder, but l will choose comfort first,nothing too bulky,no theater seats.I recently purchased a Human touch pc610 (optioned out).So far its been fantastic.Any input or ideas on this subject would be appreciated. 





With all do respect Mr.Lavorgna can keep that red chair...lm extremely sore from lifting all day at work .When l come home and listen to Sade l want to feel like I'm in heven...not in a Jame Bond movie getting torchered...

This is by far the best I’ve ever had. It’s super comfortable, stays put, has touch controls at your right-hand fingertips, and the adjustable headrest lands in exactly the right place on the back of your neck. It is really ideal when you want to recline but also support your head for reading. I love it.

You can also charge your phone, and there are big storage areas underneath the hinged armrests.

Composer Gray Power Recliner with Adjustable Headrest | AFW.com