Hi rsf507,
I own the Silent AngelBonn 8 switch. It replaced my Netgear switch, which was operating properly. I power the Bonn 8 with my HDPLEX LPS. I bought the HDPLEX for my Nucleus+, and had a spare output so it was a no brainer to power the switch as well. Is it better than the Netgear? I think so. My system sounds amazing to me and I am willing to go this far to improve my digital front end.
I added all Supra Cat 8 cables to and from Modem, switch and Nucleus. I do have a generic 35' run to my audio room downstairs, but then use Supra again into and out of my EtherRegen and into my streamer.
I use an ifi Powerbar to for all the computer equipment with iFi power cord. And of course the computer equipment is in another room on another circuit.
None of these tweeks cost a fortune, and I believe each adds. If some think otherwise Oh well! :)