What is the best 2 channel listening chair?

I've been using a Ames lounge chair for years, it looks and feels good ...but it's a little low...l was ready for an upgrade. I was reading you should avoid chairs that are higher that the shoulder, but l will choose comfort first,nothing too bulky,no theater seats.I recently purchased a Human touch pc610 (optioned out).So far its been fantastic.Any input or ideas on this subject would be appreciated. 





Here's a blurb for those interested in the Herman Miller/Knoll/Vitra-Europe Eames lounge chair, but who would prefer something less expensive.

I used to really like the HM/Knoll chairs, but following various lower back injuries over the years I no longer find them comfortable.

Read that HM recently purchased Knoll and as just researched there is no longer much of a discount for the Knoll version.




I bought a pair of bonded leather chairs and ottomans from Dania Furniture in 2008, and other than the bonded leather absolutely failing and now flaking off in palm-sized sheets, these have been perfect for my listening chair:

- comfortable enough to sit in (or fall asleep in) for hours

- the back is just below my shoulder-blades, so my ears have unencumbered ability to receive all of the reflections from all around the room.

- kicking my legs up on the matching ottoman is very relaxing, and provides lots of body parts accessible for my trio of cats to fall asleep on me (though they get annoyed when I'm up every 15-20 mins for vinyl LP listening sessions!)

I searched and could not find photos of these chairs + ottomans anywhere, and hardly anything comparable (a few months ago, we did find a gorgeous pair of this design from Italy once, in full-grain leather and made in the '70s, but they were over $4,000 including shipping so regrettably we passed and they sold to someone else).

So imagine this photo of the sofa from Dania (Bogart is the name of the line) as a single-seat chair, with a matching ottoman.

I'm strongly considering having a local furniture-maker completely re-do this pair of chairs and ottomans in full-grain leather, I love them so much...

Another vote for the Stressless recliners. We've had two of them for 15 years and strongly recommend them. Impeccably constructed and very comfortable.



@vinnydabully , There is absolutely do reason to avoid high chairs as long as the surface is soft and absorptive. They can actually improve the sound by blocking reflections. @tsacremento I just got my Stressless recliners and will put them up on my system page. They are glorious in every respect. They are worth every cent.

I inherited a pair of the Stressless chairs.  Note that they come in multiple sizes.  One of mine is smaller, with a lower rise in the back, than the other.  It is above my shoulders, but beneath my ears.  I much prefer that one to the larger, taller one.  You really can hear the effect of the sound bouncing off the back of the chair near your ears if the seat back rises up to or over your ears.