WAITAMINIT! Center stage disappeared with a Modwright KWA 150SE and Daedalus Athena V.2?!

The Madness! My Plinius SA201 presented a big beautiful well imaged stage with the Daedalus Athena V.2. It was shipped and sold. 4 days later, the Modwright KWA 150SE reco'ed by Lou Hinkey took it's place and the center stage is nowhere to be found! I've rotated cables and repositioned the speaker 6 inches back and forth and toed them in with no change. I haven't rolled in new tubes in my preamp or DAC yet...It partially refocused for a moment but now is gone, baby, gone.

Anyone out there have experience with this? I imagine it's solvable....

Help a man out, brothers and sister.

Pre: Supratek Syrah, DAC: AMR DP777SE


No soundstage problems here, don't know what to tell you

I don't think anyone said you did, or that you should for that matter.  I was trying to help the OP, not throwing shade on you or your system.

Wellllll - the left was out of phase and now back in and the sound is sublime. HUGE well imaged and layered stage. Daedalus Athena/Modwright KWA150SE/Supratek Syrah stitched together with Dynamic Design cabling - the TBK Nebula IC's and SC's are jaw-droppingly good...

Ohmystarsandgarters                                                                                              My current system sounds head and shoulders better than anything I've ever had. .

I thought the same with my new Luxma. The rear speaker jacks were laid out differently than my previous FirstWatt. I had one speaker wired backwards.