Fanatical resistor precision is swamped by capacitor tolerances which are orders of magnitude larger.
Just a general note for all (not aimed at the above poster, but that some may use such missives to dismiss):
That is indeed true but it does not mean that a decent quality trained ear can’t hear the differences in resistor qualities in a well executed circuit. so the idea of swamping does not hold true.
Iffin’ you can hear a voice in a room at a party, with huge amounts of background noise..which just about every person in existence can do, then the idea that the resistor qualities are swamped by capacitor distortions is on shaky ground.
We can suss out, we can separate it out, we do it every day in all our senses, in ways and levels and complex methods, etc..that the vast number of people are wholly unaware of, even though it is part of every millisecond of their biological and complex highly filtered and separated out life..
Realistically, very very few people understand their senses or their minds, or self. Projection is the norm - projection out of the given box.
I read an article just the other day on the cilia of the ear and when we age they get to being impacted with one another, physically, so that is apparently the source of how some can’t separate out complex sounds, whereas others can. Some have different ears, physically different and more capable ears than others. ears are individual, like mental capacities.
One persons ear-Q is not another's Ear-Q, and the same for the given processing intellect, so it is unwise to make assumptions about self and impress such upon another.