Basic switch....should I upgrade?

I'm using a D-Link switch into a EtherRegen (with an AfterDark PSU & Clock) via a Signature Ethernet Cable. Coming out of the EtherRegen I use a basic fiber optic cable into my streamer. (All connects/cables not mentioned are upgraded.)

Simply put, should I upgrade the switch or does the fantastic EtherRegen clean up the switch's audio shortcomings?

Please don't tell me to get a TT!  



Choosing an audiophile network switch is confusing. - Not at all.

Researching switches sonic performance based on empirical comparisons seems the only way I can judge price/performance - Bingo! This is the only way to know if a Ethernet switch / filters makes a difference or not.

IMO, best explanation on what an audio specific switch does (or claims to do, if you are on the zeroes and ones camp) is from Uptone: 


‘Truth be told, it was the very first audiophile switch, and very successful. The rest of the manufacturers, took note, and came up with their own switches, often way more expensive. Granted, these audiophile switches obviously do nothing according to the network technicians, so I wonder who buys all these expensive switches 😉



@thyname +1! Thank you for that post.  Should settle a fair amount of the debate over whether we can, or are 'scientifically' able to hear what we hear.

@thyname well, the article is way off the mark. Especially the first paragraph where it says it applies to all digital connections. What they are talking about can apply under some circumstances to asynchronous digital connections without error detection and correction. 

Ethernet is synchronous, and has error detections, but that is just one layer, the next layer also have error detection, call IP, then you have TCP, also have error detection and correction, and lastly, you have the application layers, also have error detection and correction. So it doesn’t apply.

Second, no human card here a different of 1 ns. You need to get into 300 to 400 ms, or 300,000 or 400,000 times larger difference before human hearing can register an issue. 

and, clock rates don’t work like that in switches. If you want to learn about that very low level detail, have fun, here is a place to start: 


@ lalitk

Choosing an audiophile network switch is confusing. - Not at all.

What I meant it’s hard to judge value. I’m interested in bargains- components that punch above their price point. For instance, if a reviewer has significant experience with many various amps, they can identify sonic bargains. Many of the audiophile switch reviews compares to a Cisco switch which tells me nothing. And another review said Ansuz was better than English Electric- but Ansuz is much more expensive. Seems audiophile switch performance is closely tied to price, so trying to find the best price/performance seems difficult