Isolation devices and CDPs

Do isolation devices really work under CDPs (I own an EAR Acute)? If so, which isolation devices work best? And how/why do they work?
I've tried quite a few different kinds of "footer" devices under my transport and the best that works for me are the roller ball style. Pick one of the many types and try it out.

Bob, may i ask which roller ball type footer you tried and which one you prefer?

I just got two sets of Equa footers. One for my Spectron Musician SE and another one for my Krell 280cd and Benchmark DAC. The amount of clarity these devices brought to the sound is quite astonishing!

For the last two years, I've used Stillpoints cones and Finite Elemente footers. The Equa footers make them sound fuzzy by comparison. I've never introduced in my system any piece of equipment or accessory that makes so much of an improvement on the sound for so little money. This is the kind of revelation you get when you have a major equipment upgrade. Every nuance in the recording is now part of the performance.

I certainly didn't know I had a vibration problem until I inserted the Equa footers under the cdp. With the Stillpoints or the Finite Elemente under the cdp there was a slight but noticeable improvement in sound quality. With the Equa footers it is night and day.

The lower notes are much better defined with very nice articulation and texture. From the midrange to the top end, things could not get any better IMO. The voices emanate with more air and detail, reminiscent of a live performance instead of a reproduction of a performance. The upper notes are now more crystal clear with excellent timing and decay. I'm so glad I decided to give them a try and the only thing I regret is not trying the Equa footers before. I hope this helps.



Isanchez, I have the Spectron if you don't mind can you tell me how many footers you used and blue pellets for each footer was optimum? Thanks!
isanchez, can you please more a little more specific about this devices you have used? For example, did you use the Finite Elemente Cerabase or Cerapuc? Which Equarack footer are you using? Equabearing?