re: Crystal radio set. Yep, me too, about the same time. My father strung the wire between two trees in the front yard, and ran it into my bedroom window to the radio itself. It fascinated me, and, I too, used to fall asleep finding a station that interested me, and most all did.
Then it was the old console radio/stereo set we had. Again, fascinated by it, and spinning LP’s at a very young age.
So, it always interested me, and I always sought out the best gear I could get for the money I had. I wasn’t really influenced by my friends, as most just had ‘normal’ stuff in their bedrooms. I realized I had a pretty decent setup in my first dorm suite in college, but also became interested in some other folks equipment who shared the same interests as I.
Started getting serious in the. 80’s, but work life took over, and just dealt with mostly the same stuff for a long time until only the last few years, when I decided to dedicate myself to it fully. When I brought up my old Kenwood 2055 TT from basement storage, well, that’s when it just got crazy. Now, I’m amazed of the sound of my music I’ve been able to achieve.
But really, the gut fascination is the same as that 7 year old kid and his crystal radio set. Just a bit more complex now 😉