Hello @christianb5s4, I can say the amp has broken in nicely and I am liking it more everyday. The grain has smoothed out and the amp sounds much more balanced than out of the box.
How would I describe it with the Kantas...it is detailed without being analytical. It tends to project the sound into the room more and put the listener in the front row where as before the sound seemed to come from behind the speakers and I was sitting many rows back. This projection threw me off initially but I have become more appreciative of it as the amp has added a great sense of depth to the soundstage. One can tell that the dummer is behind the horn player now on a given recording if that makes sense.
A couple of other cool attributes, the amp has brought out a lot more micro details in recordings and I am hearing things I’ve never heard before on familar material. Another thing I like is, it’s all there even at low listening levels. I really don’t need to turn it up to hear more into a recording but if I do, it just gives me more of the same and never falls apart. The character doesn’t change with increased volume. It’s a great sounding amp and very neutral where as the A23 was slightly warmer.
Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck.