Great video… I appreciated the first topic most… although his comments on the Quads are correct to my memory as well.
Will rebuilt Quad ESL 57s take the place on a great $30K dynamic speaker?
In the ‘90s I lived joyfully with Quad 57s for 10 years. Have always missed them.
Especially since Electrostatic Solutions rebuilds came to light, I have looked for a used pair. My system today is far better than what I had back then.
I was very curious to hear what they would sound like now.
I love my current speakers, but have experienced some fatigue in loud, full passages. And I realized that most of what I listened to was acoustic Jazz and Classical. But with a good amount of Pop singer/songwriter.
The Quads beautifully reproduce solo or otherwise “gentle” music. They are magical with voices. Eg.: Opera that I never got into much is now sublime. And voices in general.
But on something like Peter Gabriel, the fall apart. “So” which was a favorite recording is problematic at best.
I am leaning toward the Quads since they do “moderate” unlike almost any.
But I do miss the dynamics. Bass and treble.