MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.


I currently use a Clearaudio Virtuoso, coupled with a Sutherland 20/20 phon.

“Generalities are dangerous.”


I agree and so is constant cravings for attention…lol! 

I am an MP guy, and have MI, MC and MM cartridges on various turntables.

I enjoy them all and have specific phono sections I use with each. Moon, SPL, Gold Note and Pathos. 

look at it this way; almost 100% of the design efforts in the last 15-20 years have been advancing moving coils. why? they have some substantial advantages in performance. and phono preamps have got much quieter too, allowing for optimization of low output moving coils.

that said there are plenty of great sounding examples of other types, but overall moving coils rule today.