MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

Imagine going back a couple of decades...

Pre digital broadcast TV to flat screen/hi def 

Consider the Rega, since you won't have to fuss with adjustments/alignment. 3 screws, set the tracking and you're ready to spin. If you get the bug, now you can consider doing the "investment" table/cart.


Dear @lalitk @rvpiano  : "  They are better at picking up details in the record grooves and can therefore reproduce the fine details in the music.."

No, that's not true because what any cartridge pick up ( everything the same. ) depends mainly of its tracking abilities that depends mainly of its compliance. Normally MM cartridges are high compliance designs and has inherent better tracking abilities than LOMC low to medium compliance cartridges, so MM can pick up more signal information recorded on those LP grooves.

Cartridge motors for MC/MM/MI are way different and one of the main differences comes from there.

LOMC has better overall detail and normally are better at both frequency extremes with a tigther bass range ( less overhang down there ) and transparency at the other extreme and with a better bass range the bass range harmonics are better and helps to improves the mid range quality level and the the high frequencies.

From where comes that better quality? mainly from the really smal/tiny coil windings in the MC motor where happens the transducer operation, it's trough those coil wires where the sensitive signal pass through and in MC the coil path is way shorter than in MM/MI that's why its low and very low output that in theory as lower the output as better signal quality but all has trade offs and here the trade off with LOMC cartridges is precisely its low output that needs higher gain in the phono stages but even that the quality of its signal is better. LOMC has other inherent advantages that are that the cartridge is no sensitive to load impedance and to load capacitance where the other designa are, yes this is not what you asking for.


The cartridge motor principle in MC/MM/MI it does not changed over the last 50+ years.

@rvpiano  now you have an opinion of the difference on what you listen through a LOMC against the other cartridge motor different designs.

Can the MM/MI designs even the LOMC designs quality performance? this could be for other thread and exist several opinions about in the long MM thread but this subject is not what you asking for.



My SoundSmith Sussurro MI is the most overall satisfying cartridge I've had over the years. Has a natural presentation yet is still dynamic with excellent resolving ability.

All qualitative generalizations on this subject are shaky.  My experience only says that High Output MC cartridges don't usually compete well with MM, MI, or LOMC types.  If you like the LOMC "sound", don't overlook MI types which are in the same vein and sometimes a better bang for the buck.  (Notice I stuck in several general statements there while first having warned you about generalizations.)