@daveyf , all you have left are insults? Common davey boy, how about that cheap stamped sheet metal sub chassis sitting atop three springs tuned to the wrong frequency and the crappy Masonite arm board flapping around in the breeze, the two piece platter that rings like a bell. The tiny little dink of a motor that I can stall with a Q tip. Then there is that pathetic sort of wood base stapled together at the corners. Walmart wouldn't sell a turntable like that. If you think that is representative of a high end turntable in this day and age you are in the wrong forum. You might look into basket weaving. And for your information I built a cherry base for one thirteen years ago.
You can insult me all you want but that will not change the fact that the LP 12 is archaic and interesting only from a historic perspective. It's days have long passed. It was all but done in 1980 with the release of the original SOTA Sapphire. Over the next decade a pile of them were dumped into the used market where they could be picked up for pennies on the dollar by people like you who want to turn them into some kind of panacea. They are just an old turntable that the vast majority of serious audiophiles wouldn't go near.