Tube based phono stage

I am looking for a new phono stage to use with Feikert Volare TT, Soundsmith Zephyr cartidge, Leben CS 600 and Devore O93 speakers.  Looking for a rich sounding, musical amp.  Tubes definitely a possibility.  Price range around 3 K.  Thanks,  MP
I bought the Rogue Ares Magnum(with 2 table inputs etc) on a recommendation from Robin Wyatt.

The reviews are pretty stellar. And it is well within your price range. Major bang for the buck.
If you can pull it off, I suggest the MP-3 by Atma-Sphere fully loaded with the built in Phono-Stage.  This is will eliminate interconnect cables, give you a much more transparent sound being the phono stage is closest to the volume control it will perform well above what your spending on it.

Digging up this old thread, seems lots of great suggestions here. Interested to hear more about the Chinook and potentially NVO - can any users add more? 

No info on either but I am surprised no one mentioned Zesto.   Incredible sounding equipment 

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