Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?

I read a lot about the Innuos Phoenix USB and everyone sings its praises even owners of expensive gear. The problem is that it is expensive.

There are other reclockers like iPurifier3, the Ideon Audio USB Re-clocker 3R, or the SOtM tX-USBultra USB Audio Reclocker. In forums the feedback is that the Phoenix beats a lot of the reclockers.

Does anyone have experience with a USB reclocker that does as good job as the Phoenix USB?


I am currently testing a SOtM tX-USBultra USB Audio Reclocker on behalf of a friend.

So far there's plenty of additional detail at the expense of being a bit shouty but I'm sure that'll work itself out during the burn-in.

Remember you'll need an additional LPS & DC cable approx $1k.

I'll need about another week to fully assess but I'd say this is probably a keeper but besides the LPS an additional quality USB, clock and power cable will be required.

So that's a total of over $3-4k for the SOtM.

Unless one has done direct comparison in their system, only assumptions being made.


Lots of usb reclockers, decrapifiers, renderers/streamers out there, doubt there is some objective heiarchy of quality. The Phoenix does have quality design and parts, and advantage of a single integrated box.


I've gone optical route with Sonore OpticalRendu, sounds mighty fine to me. Does require top flight outboard lps to excel.