Phono stage options - balanced with XLR both input and output...

I really like my Elac PPA-2, it's surprisingly good and has bested the few others I've tried.  I use XLR/balanced for input and output (for the first time with this one).

It is starting to glitch, and I am considering purchasing another one ('preowned'), but before I do wanted to check here what options you know of in terms of fully balanced phono stages with XLR input and output.

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AudioSpecials Phonolab is balanced input and output. And really good. Different price point though. 

As much as I like balanced I wouldn't focus on it when trying to find the best phono imho.

Solypsa Audio

I have in my collection a Aesthetix I/O Eclipse. It has both balanced and SE inputs and outputs.

‘When I upgraded my phono cable I asked my audio dealer about going with a balanced cable. He informed me that even though the I/O has balanced input and the circuit is a balanced design that the designer of the I/O (Mr Jim White) doesn’t recommend going with a balanced input. His opinion was that a SE works/sounds better. My dealer got into the technicalities of why but the info was above my understanding at that time. I do run a balanced output. So I took his advice and got a SE phono cable.

Both would work. Maybe one day I’ll buy a balanced phono cable and judge for myself. Cables can be expensive to very expensive.

Joe Nies