I am not at all surprised you are confused.
I really try not to be judgmental about equipment. But I spent about 15 minutes with the manual for your unit. It is the very essence of does absolutely everything, but does nothing well. If you are interested in multi room, bluetooth enabled streaming to your phone and other bazaar methods, this is perfect.
If you are interested in hi quality sound, I would consider getting a streamer that is oriented at high quality output, Simple, all cost go into the sound not options. I bet a budget Bluesound streamer would be simpler to use and produce much higher quality output. You want Qubuz natively supported… meaning the unit connects to the service directly and then you control it through an app.
But it depends on what you want out of the unit. High quality sound or lots of options. This unit is designed to give you every conceivable option. Just that is probably worth the purchase price.