Streaming Qobuz via iPad

I have the Qobuz app on my iPad and I stream to my Marantz streamer into my Bifrost 2 DAC. The thing is the streaming is twitchy or even drops out for a second or two before continuing on. By twitchy I mean I get these hangups in the music accompanied by pops. 

what could be causing this?  Is this an iPad issue or bandwidth issue? Also, just to confirm, is the iPad just acting as a remote control and the Wi-Fi music signal is coming from the Wi-Fi router?  Sorry not really technically proficient in computer. 



I think I should be using the HEOS (marantz) app. But is doesnt appear to have Qobuz

Hmmm, it looks like HEOS does not directly support Qobuz. I think you may need to use something like BubbleUPnP, but that’s for Android - I'm not sure that it works with iPad.



Yeah, I ended up going with Mconnect HD(Bubble for IO). Works like a charm, no more Airplay, I get full resolution.

I went with Qobuz because I kept reading it was better than Tidal I was using. I didn’t realize AirPlay was the issue. My streaming is perfect now, no glitches.  My only question now is I don’t know if Qobuz through Mconnect will change the quality vs going strait from a Qobuz embedded device?


I am not at all surprised you are confused.

I really try not to be judgmental about equipment. But I spent about 15 minutes with the manual for your unit. It is the very essence of does absolutely everything, but does nothing well. If you are interested in multi room, bluetooth enabled streaming to your phone and other bazaar methods, this is perfect.

If you are interested in hi quality sound, I would consider getting a streamer that is oriented at high quality output, Simple, all cost go into the sound not options. I bet a budget Bluesound streamer would be simpler to use and produce much higher quality output. You want Qubuz natively supported… meaning the unit connects to the service directly and then you control it through an app.

But it depends on what you want out of the unit. High quality sound or lots of options. This unit is designed to give you every conceivable option. Just that is probably worth the purchase price.

I actually have the Bluesound on order. Currently I run the Marantz but it goes into NAD M51 DAC. The sound is great from what I can tell.

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