Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


For me the difference is listening to music vs listening to my system.  But I easily have 5X more invested in digital and spend most of my time listening to digital.  I just hate listening to the last track on a a record knowing I have to get up when it's over.

I need a record Butler.

There are many others who think like me.

Good luck with your digital audiophile endeavour.

I am sure you aren’t alone with your preferences. That’s great! Stick with what pleases you most. Why in High End audio do differences of preference and taste have to result in potential conflict? It makes zero sense. Just go with what works best for you and call it a day.

Analogue for you, digital for me. Both are splendid options.



Close minded people have no chance to learn since they refuse to allow an experience that could cause them to reevaluate.


@overthemoon  Perhaps fairly easy to build a digital setup if playing cd's, Streaming may not be an easy plug and play endeavor, all you have to do is follow some of these streaming threads to see how complex this can be. I've long had vinyl setups, I agree they can be rather complex, still pales in comparison to streaming. Innovations and new ideas coming fast and furious. Just today I had conversation in regard to diy clone build of extreme high end music server, this being Taiko Extreme server, the complexity is just amazing. And to think the music server is only one component of many that go into streaming, the whole thing is sort of like researching and writing a dissertation! Now that I think of it, sure would be nice to see  dissertations on this very subject. Checking out the white papers on one single aspect of streaming can be quite complex and involving, virtual dissertations in themselves. Discussions of latency and non volatile RAM are just two small aspects which are extremely complex in themselves.

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So the Taiko Extremes, Wadax, Pink Faun, Innuos Statements, Antipodes are waste of money. You think you know more about  technical aspects of streaming hardware than the experts. I guess that makes you a cut above the experts, lets see your white papers so we can observe your expertise.


I'm sure you've heard all the highest end streaming equipment, so you have both the technical expertise and the golden ear. Oh, forgot, you don't trust your sensory perceptions, no need to listen.


By the way, we're building our servers based on this research, so I'm not contributing to the audio 'charlatans' you claim them to be. These experiments will gain us empirical knowledge, but we know you consider that invalid since our sensory perceptions are far too faulty. Ones and Zeros, all very simple, hilarious.


Funny how objectivists believe they win every argument, never provide refutation of every point of contention, simply revert to measurements and argument sensory perception can't be trusted, don't need PHD for this simplistic conclusion.