Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

So the Taiko Extremes, Wadax, Pink Faun, Innuos Statements, Antipodes are waste of money. You think you know more about  technical aspects of streaming hardware than the experts. I guess that makes you a cut above the experts, lets see your white papers so we can observe your expertise.


I'm sure you've heard all the highest end streaming equipment, so you have both the technical expertise and the golden ear. Oh, forgot, you don't trust your sensory perceptions, no need to listen.


By the way, we're building our servers based on this research, so I'm not contributing to the audio 'charlatans' you claim them to be. These experiments will gain us empirical knowledge, but we know you consider that invalid since our sensory perceptions are far too faulty. Ones and Zeros, all very simple, hilarious.


Funny how objectivists believe they win every argument, never provide refutation of every point of contention, simply revert to measurements and argument sensory perception can't be trusted, don't need PHD for this simplistic conclusion.

Yes they are a waste.

Engineers and scientists vastly more knowledgeable on this topic than them (or me) all call it a waste.

White paper in consumer audio are just marketing fluff. If they made a real difference they would publish measurements that show a clear improvement in end products. They don’t publish those measurements. Why is that?

Many DACs are already operating within a few db of their chip vendors theoretical limits. You think they are improving on that? Do you think you could hear a difference at those limits?

And if you believe it. Prove it with your ears. Should be easy .... Just proven can tell two servers apart .... No looking though.

You build servers commercially?  You implied that in your post. What company?

Done with the discussion of measurements vs sensory perception.


Neither of us build commercially, I'm a curious diy, have been long building my own general purpose computers, thought I'd give music server computer a try. Bang for the buck is off the charts with diy music servers, commercial servers all use off the shelf motherboards with optimized OS, really not much more than that to most of them. They don't render well, lucky if they have nice power supply. My present server is combo off the shelf/diy, I don't waste effort on rendering with it, so impact on sound quality much less than the servers doing rendering, the thing is vast majority of off the shelf servers pay no attention to rendering, yet they charge like they're doing mass amounts of R&D. These guys likely have the greatest profit margins in audio, along with the cable guys. So, you and I may have something in common when it comes to marketing hype. Difference is I don't observe market hype with at least some of the white papers I've read, in these cases the particular person writing the paper doesn't have a product to sell using the technical knowledge they're expanding on.

“Why in High End audio do differences of preference and taste have to result in potential conflict? …..Analogue for you, digital for me. Both are splendid options.”

Well said, my sentiments exactly!