Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Great remarks...


Much of the music from the 60’s is long lost in our memories (ditto the 70’s). We remember the good stuff, or more specifically, we remember the stuff that generates the highest emotional engagement, which does not need to be the highest emotional engagement in everyone, but a high enough emotional engagement in enough people to keep the memory alive:

There exist great musicians and singers more than ever today, but they are marginalized by bad commercial products...

We have access to great Chinese music, Indian one, Persian, one Nordic Jazz, etc...

Music today is stronger than ever....

But medias are owned by few people....Publicity and marketing , fabrication of products, polluted official mediums...

We will remember great music in decades to come , not because we will listen to it on radio like in the 50 or 60, but because we will stumble on it using peripheral channels to access it...It is my case....

Commercial music of today is horrible... Uglier than possible...

But there is more great music and musicians now than ever...

If is is great music, why are none of those awful media people trying to promote it and make money off of it?  


Commercial music of today is horrible... Uglier than possible...


As music is nothing ever more than a personal experience, this is your opinion, not fact.

Wow, this guy sure has a lot of time to have listened to all 'commercial music of today', whatever that is - I guess the music he likes is not intended to be sold - and make a blanket condemnation of all of it.

Or is it more "I don't like it so it's horrible and ugly!!!". Never seen that attitude before....🤣

If is is great music, why are none of those awful media people trying to promote it and make money off of it?

Because the more higher the music qualities, the more cultutrally different the music qualities, the more it ask for an educative process which is not the task of big musical corprations controlling official medias like radio...

Some little business musical company do it, or the musicians themselves do it publishing themselves and recording themselves ...

Not the general big broadcasting company...

Do you think american radio broadcasters promote the sarangi or the ehru or the talking yoruba drum music? Or even some unknown nordic jazzmen? All these music are very popular somewhere around the world...They are not very good commercial product in North America...

As music is nothing ever more than a personal experience, this is your opinion, not fact.

For sure music is a personal experience so what?

Did i negate this common place fact?

But commercial music is not synonym with popular music...

Bob Dylan being popular is not commercial musak music... And this is a FACT.... Popular dont equal commercial here...


Wow, this guy sure has a lot of time to have listened to all ’commercial music of today’, whatever that is - I guess the music he likes is not intended to be sold - and make a blanket condemnation of all of it.Or is it more "I don’t like it so it’s horrible and ugly!!!". Never seen that attitude before....🤣

First you distorted what i was speaking about...

It is not the first time you do that...

I was speaking about the differences between POPULAR music and COMMERCIAL music in general...This disctinction exist and it is not born from my sole opinion...

Popular music in general may be very good, commercial music is rarely good...

I dont condemn anything, i said that commercial music is uglier than ever...

You assimilate my observation with a condemnation of popular music. to make your ugly point insulting me..

All popular music is not commercial music, only a part of popular music is commercial fabricated junk...But this junk nowadays is on the air more than in the golden age of popular music..

Then before insulting people pratice your brain about reading their post...


And dont imitate your  poster guru  here, the one you give always +1, speaking to me like him  at the third person like an appeal to the crowd  and like if i was not there... Grow an individualized  brain...