Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Here an example of popular music which is not a commercial product first and last...Never played on any radio and TV in US...Or in Canada... Why?

a clue: the power of a business of conditioning the mind to buy meaningless products.to make them "popular" Commercial crap   for everyone with no soul nor traditional roots...

She is the Russian Joan Baez or Joni Mitchell, all two great popular artists that never compromised their souls to create "commercial" music ....

Popular poets and musicians are not commercial objects created for the masses entertainment by business...Corporations can sell them yes but they never created them....It is not the case for many "commercial" "artists"....

The fact that the border between popular high quality music and commercial product is not a clear line, dont means that the distinction is not there and useless...



It probably has to do with the limited market for foreign language elevator music though with that shrieking in the middle it could have people reaching for the stop button. 


It probably has to do with the limited market for foreign language elevator music though with that shrieking in the middle it could have people reaching for the stop button.

Is it sarcasm?

Or is it a serious attempt to make a cheap point?

Place an icon to mark inoffensive sarcasm...

I think you are too intelligent to consider this post your best...


If deludedaudiophile was knowing you he will be afraid of your approval... 😁😊