Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+

I currently own Harbeth SHL5+ and I’m generally very happy with them. I’m driving them with Audio Hungary a50i tube amp (50 watts class A) and don’t feel that the amp struggles at all. I have an opportunity to buy a used pair of Joseph Audio Perspective2 Graphene in excellent condition. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the JA Perspective2 with SHL5+. From what I understand they sound quite different but I’m not sure how. The Perspectives are obviously quite a bit more expensive than the Harbeths but I understand that this doesn’t automatically imply that they are better. Someone told me that the Perspective 2 is more in Harbeth 40.x league instead of SHL5+.

As good as the SHL5+ are, I do sometimes yearn for a wider and deeper soundstage with bigger bass (although I have a pair of REL S/510s to supplement). I would really appreciate if people who have made the move from SHL5+ to JA Perespective2 Graphene, or vice versa, can share their impressions.

Note: My room is 20 x 15 with 12 foot high ceilings. The speakers will be placed along the short wall. I can pull them out by 4 feet from the front wall and about 2 feet from the side walls. My room is treated with GIK panels. My biggest concern is whether my AH Qualiton a50i will be able to drive the Joseph Audios well.



@avanti1960 If I remember correctly, do you (or did you) own JA Pulsars that replaced your SHL5+? I see exactly where you're coming from. I tried a lot of speakers, some more expensive, but there's something about the Harbeth sound that makes me go back to it every time. But I have heard a lot of great stuff about JA Perspective2's and going to take a risk. Worse case scenario, I can sell them and buy another used pair of SHL5+.

I fully agree with the treatment, it made a big difference to my listening experience.

about vocals I wouldn’t worry, they are the best I’ve heard on Pulsar, I imagine the same for Perspective :)

Best is to go listen to them, and in case they don’t have treatments you can try to listen near field, at least for vocals it helps eliminate unwanted effects of the room, good luck!

Have listened to the SHL5+ and they always sound nice even on not so nice recordings so to me they are not accurate. I'd prefer accuracy and the Perspective2's is the better speaker IMHO

I have the Pulsars (non-Graphene), and can tell you that they are balanced up and down the entire sound spectrum. They are wide and deep in soundstaging, and their bass (without a subwoofer) is incredible, particularly for a standmount. I auditioned the SH5+, but chose the Pulsars as the JA sound, to me, is totally addictive.

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