What do you consider the most when choosing a pair of speakers?

Hi, just being curious here. 

When choosing a pair of speakers, do you consider design first? or the sound? or a particular brand? 

I want to say the sound matters the most for me, but my wife would never allow anything industrial looks or a design that goes against her taste regardless of the sound quality. 

What are your thought?


@arvincastro Funny you said that. The exact conversation I had with Joe from Joe'N'Tell. Most of the products do measure well in general these days. Although we agree that the measurements are still quite important, we say. Haha. 

@wturkey Not sure how to respond to that because I, myself is more like a keeper. Maybe I should be more like you. I think that way I will win more love from my wife. Haha. 

Appearance first. Then I check the specs, price and if all that checks out ok, then I will listen for the sound quality. Anyone of these can be a deal breaker.


Sound first, other items can matter some depending on the application.

I'd rewrite that website, OP. It sure reads as written for non-audio people that can be duped by fancy words, but then again, that's who may drop 25 large on those...  good luck.  It seems 'luxury' slick a bit to read it all.

The “Engineered for natural sound” would suggest some engineering measurement or principles, but those are not explicitly shown.

I don’t see any graphs on your website, so that can be a bit of a show stopper for the data driven types.

it looks like there could be diffraction effects coming from the edges where the drivers are mounted, but it is hard to say without graphs. Even impedance would be nice to see.

I also like to see step function response or impulse response.

The “hogged out of a billet” design looks nice though. Usually what I like the WAF scores low on.