Scansonic MB-2.5B vs Sonus Faber Lumina III

Has anyone heard the Scansonic MB-2.5B? I don’t have a Scansonic dealer in my area and the only references I have is the online reviews. I am in the process of upgrading speakers narrowed down to the Scansonic and Sonus Faber Lumina III 


These two will have completely different presentations, and your current electronics and listening preferences should be the biggest influences in the decision. 

The Scansonic MB-B series to me is an incredible speaker for the money. They have a signature similar to many Danish brands, like Raidho, Borresen, Audiovector, Dynaudio. It is very open, transparent, still musical. The ribbon is not as refined as the higher end brands but it is still very good. I’ve heard rooms that was very holographic with them. They project a more forward soundstage. 

The Sonus are very appealing / pleasing to listen to but at the expense of some resolution and speed on the frequency extremes. They project a more relaxed soundstage and feel a bit more romantic.

What electronics would you be driving the speakers with?

Thanks for your comments. Electronics are VPI Nomad with Ortofon Blue, Cambridge Audio Azur 851A integrated (probably changing it to PrimaLuna integrated soon). I heard the SF Lumina III and the sound is different than other SF models, it is less “warm”, more “lively” sound.

Agree that some of the newer SFs including the Lumina III are breaking the typical SF sonic signature, but they are still very forgiving speakers. Nothing wrong with that. I would say the Scansonics are much less forgiving, depends on what you will prefer. 

Primaluna is a great choice to upgrade to. They make one of the best and most versatile tube amps for their price range. 

I disagree..I've owned both the 2.5 and 2.5b..I trued a prima Luna at that time and sold it..the scansonics work better with solid need speed,better bass control....been there done that but just my opinion

@missioncoonery Which Primaluna did you have, and did you upgrade the tubes and fuses in them? In stock form, PL is not so great, but considering the OP's system, it's not a bad choice. Upgrading to top notch tubes and upgrading the fuses, as well as aftermarket power cable all take the PL to another level.