What is Wrong With HD Radio & Why Aren't HD Tuners Being Made?

I have HD radio in my car and I like some of the sub-stations that I am able to pick up. I would like to listen to radio in my house, but audio manufacturers aren't making HD capable tuners. Isn't it suppose to sound better?

Why don't people like HD radio? I'm in the market for a good tuner and I'm confused as to what I should be looking for in a modern tuner.

Please help me understand.


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Not sure if this is the same thing but Sony made a "Digital Radio" tuner box  ( http://wd4eui.com/Sony_XDR_F1HD.html) in the early-to-mid 2000s. Didn't build them very long (few years). Weren't expensive, less than $200 as I recall.

My 14 y/o Onkyo HT receiver has digital radio which I made use of in Las Vegas (very nice sound!). I haven't been able to make it work since I've been in Indianapolis, however.

I also have the Sony XDR modified by the XDRguy.com. It is a killer tuner if you use a great RCA interconnect with it. I have 4 tuners from $500 - $8K and I listen to radio a lot.

HD radio is awful in the instances I have heard it. I always tune in on the FM band even when HD is available. This is only with the SONY that supports HD radio.




HD radio is lossy digital. The way it's used in the US, the main HD channel ("HD-1") is limited to around 120 kbps and if there are multiple subchannels the limit on HD-1 is 64 kbps. The quality on the other subchannels is even less. So if you like the quiet that digital can offer, so-called "HD radio" can offer that. But it comes at the price of much lower overall resolution.

The current best technology for high quality audio is streaming… most all channels available on the air are available through streaming… thousands all over the world. So, there just isn’t a long term place for them, the manufactures know this.


Streaming services like Qobuz offer such high quality and variety and 30,000 radio stations. The depth is simply astounding.