Paradigm studio 20 vs 60? Help please

So, Im currently somewhat locked into paradigm because of my trade up issues at my local audio store, but that's okay because I do like the sound I'm getting out of the v.5 studio series. My initial plan was to upgrade until I got to studio 60's, and then call it good for awhile, and now that I have the chance to do so (for $650), I'm starting to question if I actually want to go through with it. My concern is that I really like my studio 20's and wonder if stepping down from a 6.5 inch driver to a 5.5 inch driver with two extra 5.5 inch "midbass drivers" (crossed over at 500 hz) is going to add much to my listening experience. I've always liked monitor sized speakers, and now that I'm researching it I'm finding out that more drivers isn't always better because of conflicting dispersion from numerous drivers, more reflection off walls, etc. I'm new to this hobby, and know there are some really knowledable folks here to help steer me in the right direction, so thank you to all who respond, and please, this is only between the studio 20 and studio 60, both v.5. I know there are probably better speakers in this same price range but I'm currently somewhat locked into these speakers. Thanks again!
Ahhh, so happy to have the 20's back :-)
It's like an old pair of jeans that fits just right!
Limo, you stated you also at the 10's? Was there a huge difference between he 10's and the 20's?? I have a sub, just trying to determine is the extra cash for the 20's is worth it.

I would concur the S2 is a substantial upgrade over the studio line IMHO...if you can swing it next upgrade...I played HOTEL CA and was floored by the clean, deep bass and very open sound....
Wayne, stick with the 10's until you can afford something from the signature series with the berrylium tweeters, like the s2
Thanks Limo! I actually have the original Studio 20's right this second but I am looking at getting either the newest version 20 or the 10 which is cheaper. I am just trying to determine if getting the 20's would be that much better as they are more money, or just get the 10's since I will be using a sub.

