Phono Stage Amp

I have a mid-level to low end turntable. (Music Hall 11.1) and a low end decent Phono Stage Music Fidelity M1. Good tonearm and good cartridge. 

I listen to JAZZ so volume isn't too much of an issue, but sometimes I just want it loud. I have Cary Audio slp-05 tube pre and the Cary Audio mono block main tube amps as drivers

I crank the volume up just past half way and there tends to be distortion. Below half way the sound is incredible. The records sound better than the corresponding CD or, of course, DAC streaming.

Would upgrading my phono-stage to one with greater boost help me? Or is that half (my whole phono system) of my system as good as it could get?  



How do you explain this:

imhifiman: with volume halfway up on the SLP-05 using an Audia Flight CD player the volume is very high and no distortion... But at halfway with the TT the volume is 3/4 of the volume of the CD but with distortion. The mono blocks are the CAD805 Anniversary. 

Has anyone suggested better isolation for the source? If not, there you go. I upgraded to a marble plank for better iso and I can jam much louder now with less distortion. Might be something to consider. 


I own an M1ViNL and can concur that while I love it for MM cartridges, it lacks a bit of gain for low output MC cartridges. I think your experience with your CD front end proves the rest of your system is up to the task.

First, if you're sticking with the Legacy I would make sure it's properly aligned and that the stylus isn't worn. After checking that, I would look to a phono preamp with more gain so as to be a better match. For my MC carts (currently a Zyx Airy 3SB @ .24mv) I'm using an E.A.T E-Glo Petit which sounds great and has plenty of gain, but there are lots of options, including keeping your M1ViNL and getting a step-up as mulveling suggests.

Gregdude also has a great call out on making sure your TT has proper isolation. I'm fortunate to be on concrete in my basement, but I've used both granite and butcher block in situations where my floor wasn't as solid.
