Phono Stage Amp

I have a mid-level to low end turntable. (Music Hall 11.1) and a low end decent Phono Stage Music Fidelity M1. Good tonearm and good cartridge. 

I listen to JAZZ so volume isn't too much of an issue, but sometimes I just want it loud. I have Cary Audio slp-05 tube pre and the Cary Audio mono block main tube amps as drivers

I crank the volume up just past half way and there tends to be distortion. Below half way the sound is incredible. The records sound better than the corresponding CD or, of course, DAC streaming.

Would upgrading my phono-stage to one with greater boost help me? Or is that half (my whole phono system) of my system as good as it could get?  


Would not call or consider a music hall 11.1 low's not exactly cheap....

Could the issue be an ultrasonic peak of the Mc cartridge causing clipping at higher volumes? Think about cartridge loading. MC carts typically have increasing output as frequency increases, well into the ultrasonic range. Load resistors tamp this down. 

If your phono stage does not have a way of adding load, you can load your cart output at the turntable output with a little bit of gerryrigging.

Lots of phono stages do not put out the same level as other components.  So you have to turn up your amp to get the same loudness.  Which is taxing on the amp.  Sounds like you should try a more powerful amp.

Pretty Expensive speakers for a mid - level system with a low level turntable and a mini - mite Amplifier....Get a new amp (200 W minimum) and then upgrade your Music Hall....Then you can start to enjoy your new system.

@cinqcepages -

                       Woof brings up an interesting point.

     Have you experimented with your loading buttons?

     The recommendation for the Legacy is 100 Ohms, which the M1 provides.

     Too high an input impedance on the M1, could be a major issue, with a LOMC.