What is a good turntable preamp under $500?

I am dipping my toes in analog and want to upgrade my turntable preamp for a second system. I currently have a cheap Cambridge Audio preamp that I think cost just over $100. I am using a Pioneer Elite receiver. At the time I just wanted to see if I could get my old Gerrard turntable up and running. Sound is pretty mediocre. Would I notice much difference if I went up to to something $300-$500. I have a high end digital system in my main rig. I don’t need to go to that level but would like to improve it some. Any you would recommend?


Phono stages get dramatically better with cost. You will probably find a $500 Phono stage better. I have been unhappy with low cost phono stages.

You can get surprisingly good sound out of a few thousands of dollars of analog. I typically recommend the investment in the phonostage roughly equal the TT.  I had an old AR turntable which I was finally able to put in next to my contemporary TT (through a $17K Phonostage)… it sounded terrible. There has been huge improvements in TT over the last 30 or 40 years. 

For the last few years I have been playing the game of having analog and digital neck and neck. Digital was better until my most recent upgrade, where vinyl moved ahead a bit. Both are totally satisfying. You can see my system. 

Just some random thoughts.