MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.


Everyone is happy in the first 30 minutes of a new device in the audio chain, provided the new thing isn't broken.  Wait a week or two.  Not that I think you will ultimately be disappointed at all.

Congratulations. A new better cartridge does great things for your existing vinyl.

Every new cartridge I have ever owned has sounded much better with time in comparison to my initial impression. 

From the reviews it is an excellent balance between detail and romance. Sounds like you made a great choice. 

I think I made a great choice too.  The only problem is that when you get new equipment you go into analytic mode and stop listening to the music, which is deadly.  Every record I put on is analyzed for SQ.  No way to live.  I hope to convince myself to go back to music enjoyment mode

RV, You are dead meat, at least in my experience. One of the principle reasons that I got out of vinyl was that I was compulsively listening to all of the audio thingies, like sound stage in particular. I venerated my "Living Stereos"! I came to realize that the cost of vinyl (both the good things and the bad) was the loss of interest in the music itself. Modern digital was good enuf and I can listen thru the digital artifacts and hear the music without much distraction. So much out there in digital (not on LPs) to explore and, potentially at least, enjoy. :-) FWIW.