My Dual 1019 was a Bay-Area craigslist bargain, $300 (includes Shure m55e cartridge which is the same stylus and mechanism as Shure V15 type 1). It was in like-new condition, but no accessories (i dumped about $150 into ebay for accessories, including 10-record changer, 45 rpm adapter, radio shack dust shield, spare headshell, spare 3x7 elliptical stylus PM3125DE, not as good as the 2x7 original stylus.) If can’t find a good dual then with $400 maybe just go with audio technica, preferably used. I don’t think you can go wrong with them.
P.S. Panasonic was my first love, my first and second radio. I love panasonic and therefore, technics, too. They truly brought hifi to the masses!