I was not questioning the reliability of the re-issue Western Electric 300b, I’v not read/heard of problems. I was just wondering how this specific 300b has more ability to drive Susvara headphones (per larsman) more successfully than another 300b. What would be responsible for this to occur?
I have not spoken with Israel Blume about lowering tube heater voltage. I do suspect it runs relatively high in his Frankenstein 300b SET amplifier. I think this amp nay push the 300b harder than some other 300b amplifiers. I did not consider it may possibly be true with regard to the Coincident Statement line stage. I will say I’ve gotten pretty long tube life with the 101D tubes in this line stage. About 6 or 7 years using the Psvane W.E.Replica fairly heavily.
If lessening the heater voltage does not affect the superb sound quality of either Coincident component, then it seems a good move. The EML mesh plate I had failed very early in the Frankenstein (Amp’s rated heat dissipation too high for the more delicate genuine mesh filament). No issue whatsoever with the solid plate EML XLS (Exceptionally rugged 300b).