@robshaw . I worked very hard for my money, just like everyone else, Just tired I guess. Sorry to burden you guys, you have been great. Just wanted you to know the status!!! Thanks again to all
I am sorry you’ve had such ongoing trouble with the RS2T, very disappointing in contrast to my problem free ownership thus far. You have to do what is best for you without question. As you have affirmed, sound quality is superb, sadly quality control is not.
Pro-Ject is losing a good customer due to what seem to me are very fixable issues. Very regrettable. At least you had the opportunity to hear this CD transport in your system. A wonderful sonic match with your Meitner DAC. Are you considering moving on to the Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK III or their flagship CDT3? What ever you decide, I sincerely wish you the best.
@nonoise has spoken very highly of his new Technics SL G700 upper tier CD /SACD transport. Worth looking into.