High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


Rick's creations were well-built and an outstanding use of technology. But he had a terrible business plan. How many $10,000 cables did he think he would sell? The more affordable products were very successful, it's evident in all the threads on different forums. 

My $1500 cable came in a Pelican Case, completely unnecessary and not good for business on his part. Maybe he was creating a mystique, HiFi for the upper financial tier. But to shut down the business without a word is so not cool. I don't see how he can be trusted in his next endeavor.


So @theaudiotweak what is the new flavor of cable lube? Rick is still making his liquid audio gold and selling it through on US outlet. Did you find a better cable elixir?



You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks

FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but orders go through their www. I had a sample of RICKs Graphene Contact liquid, and they look and apply identically, BUT, a 2oz bottle from MSA is only $75!

I am amazed with the results