Best budget CDP?

I'm putting together a small two channel system based around a pair of Zu Druids and small tube hybrid intgrated amp that I got as part of a HCT HMS-100 package (same as the Vuum Audio VTi-B1 or the Dared MP-5 without the USB port). Also considering upgrading to a Onix SP-3, but that's a differnt story.

I need to find a decent CDP that would be a nice match for this budget system. $1000 would be my max, but I would really like stay ~ $500 if possible, but not if I can't get a nice sounding unit at this price.

I'm also putting a small LCD or Plasma in this room so a nice univeral unit would be even better, but music performance in paramount. Another consideration which makes a univerval unit an attractive option is that I would still have a spare set of inputs to add a TT down the road if I decide to get back into LP's.

Thoughts/suggestions will be much appreciated.

BTW, I only have BB/CC in our town, so I really don't have the option to listen to much and this is why I must ask for help. Used is fine.

Thanks so much for the responses so far. Something I didn't mention, which is also important to me, is cosmetics.

The Music Hall seems to keep popping up in all kinds of forums as do the Denon's. The Muisc hall looks like a good match, finish wise, for the Onix.

Onix also sells a CD-5 (black only) which I think is the same as the Music Hall, but some say it's better. Not sure why though.

I also see the new Cambridge upsampler mentioned, but I've read a couple of reviews that reported a titled top end and some siblance issues on vocals. This scared me off of these units.

The Oppo is whithout a dobut major bang for the buck in the video department and I may end up with one for just this reason, but I'm not excited about using it for audio. Not to mention it looks cheap in the pictures I've seen.

Anyhow, thanks to everyone who resonded so far. Any more suggestions? Especially at the lower end of my budget. :0)
Oppo plus DAC may be the way to go. I'd hesitate to pay too much, or mod something like a DVD player that you may want to upgrade before you've really got your investment back. Personally I'm moving to using the computer as a transport with a Paradisea+ DAC (tube), while keeping my Nuforce AVP-16 for HT. Yes the Nuforce does have 2-ch bypass as well.

Though the Oppo mod straight to the amp sounds intriguing. The basic Oppos do indeed lack in SQ, but really what do you expect for a couple hundreds bucks.
Sugarbrie, the more I read the more I'm leaning toward a cambridge unit. However, on another thread I read that if one was to buy the 740 they should spend extra and get the 840.

However, it seems to me that both are practically the same operationally and differ only in features and DAC's, which I doubt will make that big of a difference.

Since you recommended the 740 I thought I'd also ask if you have any experience or thoughts about the 840.

Anyone else that has experience with either please chime in as well.
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Used Arcam FMJ CD 23 around $ 750

My recommendation is based on compairing side by side, in my system, the FMJ 23 to three other more costly players.

Musical Fidelity A 308
McIntosh 205
Arcam FMJ CD 36

Compaired to the MF A 308 the FMJ sounded more rich and full with just as much detail ( if not a hair more ) and Just as good in the bass department with about the same depth and soundstage.

The McIntosh 205 had more emphasis in the upper freq. response with a wider soundstage however the FMJ 23 beat it in overall richness and slam. about the same detail yet the bass on the FMJ was a definate winner over the McIntosh.

Finally I have now the FMJ 36 . Compared to the 23 the 36 is more detailed , slightly better depth and bass notes are more tunefull and punchy. ( perhaps better timing and less mud between the notes). However the FMJ 23 still sounds richer/fuller and choosing between the two is difficult for me. The FMJ 23 also decodes HD CDs which to my suprise is a real plus as a good HD cd can open up the soundstage with detail and depth I would not have believed before listening.
that's my two cents
good luck