Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge

So, the cleaners destroyed my phono cartridge yesterday while dusting even though I'd cautioned them against dusting my stereo. Absolutely sick about it. Anyway, I need to get a replacement cartridge so I need advice on one that is of equal quality or better. The destroyed cartridge is a Transformation Axia which is no longer made. Thanks in advance!

My system:

VPI Prime turntable, Sutherland Little Loco phono amp, Luxman L509X amp, Revel F208 speakers, two Sumiko S10 subs


Some of the better Benz cartridges have a fairly high internal resistance and are not well suited to a current driven phono, eg, the LPS (38 ohms). On the other hand the Ebony L would work (5 ohms). Check specs and try to stay below 10 ohms internal resistance, no matter what LOMC cartridge you choose. HOMCs need not apply. 

Another vote for repairing the cart.  Where ever it ends up you will need to wait. I had a Koetsu RSP get its cantilever removed by the same mechanism.  Peter Lederman at SoundSmith repaired it after a several month wait.  It has been working great (and still sounding like a Koetsu) ever since. 

Because of the wait, picking up a cheaper low internal resistance cartridge in the meantime makes sense.  Have fun exploring something new. 

+1 on Benz Ebony L. However, the Zyz 4D is what I upgraded too, and is better IME. It is 4 ohm

Sorasound used to have them for $3495. not sure about now

Another happy SoundSmith customer! I’m using Zephyr MIMC Star with their MCP-2MK2 phono. Michell Gyrodec SE, SME M2-9-R.