Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge

So, the cleaners destroyed my phono cartridge yesterday while dusting even though I'd cautioned them against dusting my stereo. Absolutely sick about it. Anyway, I need to get a replacement cartridge so I need advice on one that is of equal quality or better. The destroyed cartridge is a Transformation Axia which is no longer made. Thanks in advance!

My system:

VPI Prime turntable, Sutherland Little Loco phono amp, Luxman L509X amp, Revel F208 speakers, two Sumiko S10 subs


Personally I think it’s crazy to wait several months "or so" for a 3rd party retip - either going without, or buying a "cheap" interim cart in the meantime. There are lots of great options that take less time than creating a full human being.

Since Transfiguration is apparently out of business, I’d pick a new cartridge (like a Benz iron cross & wood body model, or any Koetsu) and sell the old one as-is for its new owner to decide on their favorite re-tipper. Unfortunately you won’t get "full value" for the busted cartridge unless you already have it at a re-tipper for a damage assessment. So consider that, as well. I’d look at VAS NY since he has good turnaround time and proudly posts pics & audio of his rebuild work (which is quite extensive) to Facebook.

And I’m sure SS does great work, but over the years I’ve also seen a lot of "just 5 hours since rebuilt by SS, sounds great!" cartridges for sale, too. I’m not waiting 7 months to find out why lol.

@michobr59 Last week I upgraded my Hana ML to an Aidas Durawood Multicolor. Output is 0.3mv

I’m going to post something over the weekend with a bit more detail but I can say I’m blown away - it’s like getting a whole new system. Erik at was awesome to work with and gave me a lot of set up support.

I think value for money is excellent. Erik sells direct to end-users.

Full disclosure I have no other experience with any other carts in this price range, but I’ve found my happy place.

Here is a pic of it mounted.

@michobr59 Someone just posted a very slightly used Audio Technica ART9XI on USAM for a decent price. It’s one of my favorite phono carts of any under $5K. I had it mounted when I had a 12” 3DR on my VPI. I preferred the tone even over the Dynavector XX-2 Mk2 and XV-1s.

There is a very healthy thread here from a few years back on the original ART9 you can find easily by searching for “ART9”.


I own a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. A fantastic cartridge, while detailed it is extremely natural and musical. My previous cartridge was a Van den Hull Frog. No comparison between the two. The Koetsu is magically musical, forgiving, and detailed. As opposed to some no holes barred detailed oriented that can make many albums sound bad. This cartridge perfectly fits my values for sound quality. I couldn’t recommend the company more.