Klipsch Forte III Test

Klipsch Forte III Test

When Paul Klipsch created his legendary Klipschorn speakers in 1946, which launched the Klipsch company, acoustic design was much more of an art than it is today.



I scored a mint pair Quartets in boxes with Crites Xover and tweet upgrades  a mini Forte  love the sound its like listening to a live concert  and runs very well off my Grommes PHI 6 watt amp

When Paul Klipsch created his legendary Klipschorn speakers in 1946, which launched the Klipsch company, acoustic design was much more of an art than it is today.

You picked the wrong guy, Klipsch was all engineer all the time. 

i heard one of those in a record store a while ago, two of 'em  mounted high on a wall, didn't notice how much space there was behind 'em. but i was struck in that they didn't have the forward bright sound i'd heard in every other Klipsch product [aside from their Heresy] i'd heard up to that point. they were decidedly mellow. i don't know what kinda amp the store was using to power them with. but i decided then that if they all sounded like that, that i'd like a pair or two.  

So satisfied was I with the Forte III’s that I purchased a pair of Forte IV’s as well. The IV’s have more refined mids IMO. On the right amp, I have not experienced listening fatigue as is sometimes the case with horn drivers. The Forte pair wonderfully with vintage solid state and particularly well with tubes.