Looking for a DAC that's better than Mc C47

Hi guys, I'm looking for a DAC upgrade to improve my current setup.  Using the Mcintosh C47 digital preamp as the main interface source for a few years.


I find the C47 lacking in rich harmonics tones and 3D-ness in digital music playback.  Budget around USD1000. 


I've heard Denafrips Aries II and it doesn't even sound close.  Topping, SMSL & Gustard around this price also not close.  The C47 is good sounding already, just wanting to better it.


Any recommendations?  Thank you.


Im not familiar with the MC, but I’ve been very happy listening to the new Mytek Liberty 2, if you can push the budget up a bit. It’s 1300 to 1500 depending where you look and most places give you a 30 day demo.

Do I prefer DACs in the 7k plus range, absolutely, but for me, this DAC is sufficiently good that I’m having plenty of fun listening, and I’m not missing those higher priced options, even though I know they give “more”.


Audio Research DAC 9, Berkeley Alpha Reference 3.


The ARC is a tiny bit more musical.

rsf the bricasti is a 5500 dac and  and it favors clarity over midrange bloom 


so that is not the right avenue 

a better question is how are you feeding the dac are you using stock power cords, power conditioning? vibration isolation?


often it is all of these tweeks that bring out the sound you are looking for


Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ