Lowering Tube power amp output

Hello everyone,

Wanted to ask the tube power amp users here if there is a way to reduce power output/ heat generation from the amp. I have a Rogue Audio Zeus amp which is rated at 200w/ channel. Can removing some power tubes reduce output power and lower heat dissipation? How can I lower its power draw effectively without causing any damage to unit


Even if you are able to remove tubes and reduce power, this will often impact the impedance, which may cause other issues.

Why are you looking to do this, and what do you want to accomplish?

Agree with contacting Rogue and getting a direct response/recommendation. This avoids any unintended or unforeseen problems.


If you don't want or need that brute, sell it and buy a more modest amp. 

No other way to reduce heat generation other than remove some tubes but I don’t know if your amp supports that. Likely this won’t work because of bias circuits that depend on two tubes to compare. You need someone that understands the amp well.

I have an Ayon amp with 4 x 6c33c tubes and makes 400 watts of heat. cant use it in the summer. In the summer I use my Decware. I’ve got it to dialed in I may end up selling the Ayon rather than switching back in the winter.


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