Pacific Audio Fest

Any one there? Thoughts on good sounding rooms/gear?


I went Friday all day and listened in most of the rooms. Someone pointed out the strange layout of the show but the way the hotel’s wings are set up, I don’t think they had a choice! Once I figured out where the "wings" were it was easy to get around.

Some stand out rooms... Acora was incredible. That those two speakers effortlessly filled the large space with lovely sound and soundstage without even playing all that loud was impressive. Joseph Audio’s Graphene speakers were also nice with a soundstage with no apparent "sweet spot" that tied you to one place in the room. Linkwitz, while having an unconventional appearance had great detail and deep stage. Lacked a bit on the bottom end though that might have been the room. The LTA room was awesome as I sat for several tracks. However the best value of the show for me was in the Venatoo exhibit. Their little speakers are real giant killers and if you’re looking to dip a toe into audio, or building an office system, you simply cannot go wrong here. I liked ’em so much, I’m buying a pair. I finally listened to several sets of Audeze headphones. I like that you can select a type of sound depending on the model you chose. A bit heavy though. Focal headphones were also good with a broad sound and deep bass.

I think the show overall was fun. Keep sticking to audio and let someone else handle the video. Could use some more vinyl vendors though I understand the logistics of transporting cases of heavy product only to take most of it home.

Good time and informative all in all.

Happy listening.



Estelon showed lot of promise in small room.

It sounds clear and dynamic.

It was driven by Kreall pre and power amp.

it would be worthwhile to try warmer sounding pre amp on it to give mor body on the sound.

A friend and I went yesterday and spent a few hours there.

A few highlights for me...

- Meeting Anne Bisson and buying an autographed copy of Blue Mind.

-Modwright.  Meeting Dan in person was nice, he's been very helpful and kind.  The sound in the room was very good.  Small room, but it was set up really well for such a small space.

-Acoustic Fields "room".  Sound was really nice and demonstrated the importance of room treatment.

-Joseph Audio.  They had the Pulsar Graphene speakers playing.  Amazing sound for their size.  It was a large room and besides the clarity, imaging, and soundstage, the bass was quite impressive.  A friend has these in a well set up room and they are incredible.

-Daedalus Audio.  Really nice sounding speakers and beautifully made.

-Salk Sound.  I don't recall which model they had set up (I think they were the Be Pure 2), but they were really dynamic and had great imaging.  

-Spatial Audio Lab.  That was my first time hearing open baffle speakers.  Very nice.

-Linkwitz Audio.  Weird looking speakers, but in a good way.  Impressive bass for their form factor.

We didn't have a chance to see everything.  Hopefully the show returns next year and I can plan better and spend more time there.  Much appreciation for Lou Hinkley and Gary Gill and their team for pulling this together.  It was a nice event.

I attended Friday and Saturday.

3 rooms were of note.

Von Schweikert Room. Big room and Huge soundstage. I found it hard to leave the room.

Linkwist room. Very tight and tuned sound. Not too crazy about the looks, but a very good sound.

The Pillium/Alsyvox Room. BEST OF SHOW! Incredible tonal balance, relaxed sound, clear soundstage and unbelievably toned, well defined bass. Never boomy (which I heard in many rooms as they are not the best rooms for demos). Several times, people looked around for "the subwoofer". No subwoofer.

 Another thing I noticed- there were no room treatments! These are my dream speakers. The Pillium amp would be nice, too.