What Is Most Important?

What do you consider to be the most important element in your ultimate enjoyment of hifi reproduced music?


The room. By a mile. Not even close. 

Other things can affect the sound but you can actually see them working. You can turn a dial, move a speaker or change a cable

But you can't see a room working. So it is often held in less regard. 

My NAD preamp, old Carver Amp and Salk Songtowers edge out my Don Sachs Preamp, Primaluna Evo amp and Tannoy Turnberry...at much less than half the price. Old house had a hard plaster acoustic ceiling and better dimensions. New room is not bad but it took a lit of work to get it to where it is. And much more to do. 


Happiness comes from within oneself.  The external stimuli is only the spark, not the flame.  The birds of fire circle above the inner mounting flame hoping to catch glimpses of the visions of the emerald beyond hoping not to fall between nothingness and eternity.

Having my system dialed in properly, and not giving up on trying something new, as there's always room for improvement. The trick is to not be in such a rush.

All the best,