What Is Most Important?

What do you consider to be the most important element in your ultimate enjoyment of hifi reproduced music?


The Performance.  I may disregard the technical aspects of a recording and media delivery for a great Performance.  But there are limits to what I will accept. 


Maybe give him half a brownie, just to soften up those hard edges...

He appears to be quite the sour apple.



as a rule, music leading to the devil is listened to in youth (there are no brains, life experience, hormones and biology are boiling) ...
despite the fact that the majority gradually grow up and get on a more correct track, the problem is that the "spine of the soul and personality" is formed in childhood and adolescence - then there is only a quantitative accumulation of information arrays, but the roots - the roots affect all life! - you can forever remain "humpbacked" ...
What happens to such people? - in general, nothing good ... their life is poor, there is no taste, a good woman will not look at them, they are dangerous to others, they get sick more often ...
after death? ...
Spark - strives for the sky in a bold flight; and an insignificant fly - attracts to sewage

BS @serjio - Back before modern medicine when the good lord provided us with more disease opportunities and life expectancy was shorter, he at least gave us the hormonal drive to reproduce.

And yet you are seeming to be saying that that drive he gave us is somehow a sin to overcome? If that is the case, then why did the good lord bless us with a problem, that is a test, and that we need to pass it to attain his love?

It is almost as believable as a magical speaker cable.

But thanks for looking out for us with your sage advice. I am not really interested in music labelled as the devils music or the lords music… nor what I should be listening for.

@larsman you’re not wrong.